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Post by quad4berettagtz »

The Committee is glad to announce the official changes to the proposal/voting system for upcoming BerettaFests! The following changes are taking effect IMMEDIATELY, and therefore will be used for the proposal and voting on 2013 and beyond.

Proposals: Proposals MUST be presented in person at the picnic of the current year's BerettaFest. For example, the proposals for 2013 MUST be presented at the 2012 picnic. Following BerettaFest, these proposals will be posted online for all members to see.

Proxy Presenters: In the event that a veteran of a previous BerettaFest cannot attend the current year's Fest but would like to propose a location for the next year, he/she would be able to do this through a proxy. The proxy presenter would make the in person presentation of the proposal in the main organizers absence. IMPORTANT - The person doing the proxy presentation MUST then become that proposal's backup contact. In the event that the main proposer cannot make it to Bfest, and his/her proposal wins, the proxy would assume the lead of the presentation and work closely with the Committee to plan that year's BerettaFest.

Voting: With the change in proposal structure also comes a change in voting. There will now be an in person primary vote at the picnic following the in person presentations of the upcoming year's proposals. These in person votes will be weighted at 3 points each regardless of BerettaFest tenure. Then, following BerettaFest, there will be a traditional online primary vote with the current weight system of 3 points for a 2+ year Bfest vet, 2 points for a 1 year Bfest vet, and 1 point for a person who has never attended. Once the primary is over, a final vote will be held online with the current weight system of 3 points for a 2+ year Bfest vet, 2 points for a 1 year Bfest vet, and 1 point for a person who has never attended.

The Committee feels that these are the best changes for our group, based on what was discussed with members at the 2011 picnic. Moving forward the Committee will assess how the changes succeed and if they need improvement we will address them to continue to improve upon the process. Thank you for your patience while this was discussed, and debated at length within the Committee. We will keep working to bring you the best event that BerettaFest can be!

See you in June!

Mike - Committee Chairman Emeritus
'90 Med Garnet GTZ<-awaiting heart transplant 295k
'90 Black GTZ SCCA Solo II #24 STS
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Post by 3X00-Modified »

Previous Proposal rules that were left out of this post... These rules still apply INCLUDING the above.

For your proposal to be officially accepted (by myself and/or other committee members) you need to abide by a few ground rules to keep this as simple as possible for everyone involved. Plus- the better organized the proposal, the better chance it has to win!
  1. 1. Your proposal needs to have background info done on hotels in the area. Are there many to choose from? What is the price range? You could go a step further and get group price rates, scout out parking, and if the neighborhood is nice. YOU MUST NOT GIVE OUT SPECIFIC HOTEL INFO TO THE LIST. Keep your info "generic" so that the hotel identity can be kept confidential.
  • 2. Activities: Group- look for things that we could tour as a group. Is there a car plant nearby? Big accessory shop or performance parts shop (GM Heritage Center, Comp Cams, Extrude Hone, Petty Motorsports)?? Or just something that a variety of people will enjoy (Indianapolis Motor Speedway Tour)... keep the options open! Free time- look for things more specific that people could do in free time. Is there a touristy area that would be fun to visit? Theme parks? Zoo? It is a good idea to keep this broad as well.
  • 3. Optional Racing: Since our group is about 75/25 on drag racing, it is still a worthwhile activity to have mapped out. Look into tracks, prices, drive time, etc. Another thing to look at is other racing/driving opportunities. In past Bfests we have road rallied, rented a road course, and auto-crossed as well. Auto-crossing is a great alternative to drag racing. Look into possible auto-x groups that would run events and talk to the organizers... perhaps we could get an event set up for our weekend.
  • 4. Local help: It is going to be a REQUIREMENT that your area has local planners willing to help. I would hope that if you are proposing a site that you would be the obvious choice for this... just don't shout out a place if you aren't willing to back it up. If your proposal is accepted, you MUST be willing to help the Bfest Committee in the pre-event planning throughout the year. You may be asked to run to different sites in the area, and most importantly YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DIRECTIONS. We are looking to upgrade our directions over past years, and you WILL be an integral part of this. We look forward to your help and input.
  • 5. Tentative Schedule: put together a tentative schedule based on the usual Thursday through sat/sun format we have been running for the last few years.

Supreme Unit
Sleepy Goodness
"Beretta Guy"
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