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Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:01 pm
by quad4berettagtz
After much delay (and headache), I am pleased to announce that we are opening registration for Bfest 2006! ÂÂÂ

For this year there were some changes made to the registration site, and it changed hosts again.  Due to this, and that we accidentally let our domain name lapse, you must access the registration site via the Bfest 2006 page.  To register, go to the Bfest 2006 Webpage and click on the link for registration.  Currently this says it is closed, but that should be updated today to say open.  Simply follow the intructions on the page to register!  Any questions can be directed to me via PM or email.


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:19 am
by quad4berettagtz
The Bfest 2006 webpage has been updated to show that registration is open.