haha youll never believe this

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haha youll never believe this

Post by Tylerlp »

So I was driving my friends 90 Beretta gt back to his house and it currently runs like complete crap...it has odd issues with that nobody can seem to figure out and the 3rd cylinder spark plug is missing because the hole is stripped out...so anyways I wanted to see how fast I could get this turd going so I started pumping the gas to build up rpms and got the thing up to about 60 and then I heard this loud bang and the front end of the car started dragging and sparks went flying. My step mom was driving my Beretta behind me when all this happened so she got to see the whole thing from a different perspective....so what had happened is the front left wheel completely flew off and I saw it roll past me down the road haha and when I finally came to a stop my step mom got out the car laughing harder than I've ever seen before. Haha I just thought I'd share this with you guys

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by scannerman »

gotta see some pics.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Money pit Beretta »

Wheel bearing. WTF were you thinking on pushing it anyway? Sure wouldn't like to know what happened to the underside of that poor car. Sorry man, just don't think it's funny, but that is just me.
Your a good guy so I don't take it in a bad way. Still seems wrong somehow. Guess it will be parted out now.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by DTMAce »

I'm with MPB. Not sure why somone would think its funny to destroy a car like that. Or why one would drive it when you know something like a spark plug is missing? I mean wth are you guys thinking?

Sorry man, but its that kind of thinking that gets people hurt. What if your tire had come off and you killed someone because you lost control or it hit someone or caused an accident?

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by 2.2H8TA »

You have that 93 V6 Quasar GTZ right? Maybe I'm wrong. IDK.
You should change your user name to Beretta killer!
If you don't respect the car, you simply shouldn't be driving it. Period!
If you were my friend, and I let you drive my car, YOU WOULD probably be in rough shape right now, no matter how rough of shape MY CAR IS IN.
Sell your GTZ, and get out of the game!
Go buy a 97 Hyundai accent!
If you show CURRENT PHOTOS of your car, and it's not destroyed, you may be able to hang, but seriously, you know what you're driving, have some respect!
And not to mention the danger factor which is explained above, really... not funny at all.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Tylerlp »

Woah woah woah! The car isn't hurt guys...we threw a new wheel on and drive it to his house. The wheel came off because all of the lugs came out. We've driven this car numerous times before and we are trying to work out the kinks in it. I love Berettas to death. I mean I was the one that got him to buy this car in the first place! Yeah it was crazy that it happened, but we live out in the middle of the country and it was 11:30 at night. Trust me I wouldnt be laughing if someone got hurt, but the reason I think its funny is because personally I think that's the joy of owning a Beretta. Crazy things that are unexpected can happen and we can laugh about it later....sorry I offended all of you :( but saying that I should sell my Beretta is a bit harsh. I wouldn't trade that thing for the world and my friends Beretta is slowly on its way to being fully drivable..think about this way. This things problems are all engine related and we are trying to fix it. So far we have done pretty good and all that's left to fix is that spark plug hole. I was trying to get this thing up to speed to see how well it shifted with the engine running %80 properly to see what other crap we had to buy. Now, even if the engine was running perfectly that wheel still would've fallen off regardless. The only reason I'm laughing about this is because of all the things that could've happened the whole wheel just flew off and rolled past me....nobody got hurt, the car isnt damaged, my friend isn't mad. I've been working my a** off to get this car working right because the people who had it before destroyed it so calling me a Beretta killer really sucks. It's not like I purposely had the wheel fall off...come on guys

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by 3X00-Modified »

Tylerlp wrote:So I was driving my friends 90 Beretta gt back to his house and it currently runs like complete crap...it has odd issues with that nobody can seem to figure out and the 3rd cylinder spark plug is missing because the hole is stripped out...so anyways I wanted to see how fast I could get this turd going so I started pumping the gas to build up rpms and got the thing up to about 60
Tire failure or not, people are referring to how you phrased this part...

Sounds like stupidity to beat on a car thats already limping to its location.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Money pit Beretta »

It's a good thing to check the torque on the lugs every now and then. I'm not mad at you, but just as 3X00 said it is how you wrote it. Sounded like you didn't give a crap.
Driving that car with a pulg out just makes fuel kill the rings in that cylinder. You could at least unplug the pig tail on that injector.
Change that oil too.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Tylerlp »

Yeah I got it....well me and my buddy that owns the car joke around all the time about how rough of shape the old girl is in. This was the only time we've took it out with the plug out because it shot out of the head. Trust me guys I wasn't trying to make it seem like we are just torturing this Beretta....besides I had to walk through a field for 2 hours to find the wheel. :/ now I feel like a dick. Sorry guys...

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Money pit Beretta »

Your alright man. What are your plans on getting a pulg back into that thing?

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Tylerlp »

We are going to get a spark plug thread repair kit and get it all put together to see how the old girl runs. It still has some slight misfires but we will work those kinks out when the spark plug is fixed

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Money pit Beretta »

Cool, hope it's on the front. If you get a chance ohm the injectors.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Tylerlp »

I've already checked it all..I'll post a video up of what's going on sometime soon

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Styluss »

Let someone with a little experience in this matter chime in hmm?

I too have had the wonderful pleasure of having a wheel come off at speed as well. Shooting along the frontage road at 40mph my front end suddenly dove into the ground and my tire went on it's merry way down the street. I'm not so sure how you think that your car is just fine, especially with the "sparks flying" statement. I would be sure to take a good look under there as I am pretty sure that you melted your ball joint at a minimum. I was very lucky; my ball joint ground down to the control arm and I came to a stop just before my rotor and control arm started grinding away into nothing. All I had to replace was the ball joint, well... and the fender that caved in on itself upon hitting the ground.

Not too mention the fortune behind the fact that no one was hurt. The tire is one thing, having been a death missile once removed from my car. But the greater thought here is this; had I hit a pothole, or slid hard to the right, at the 40mph I was doing I could have very easily flipped. The only reason I maintained such a positive attitude is because 1. I am a huge optimist and 2. It happened the weekend before BFest! Crying about it would have only made it worse.
I can tell you that I feel extremely fortunate to have not been hurt, hurt anyone else or had even more damage to my car.
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Yeah... She was a little dirty that day.

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Re: haha youll never believe this

Post by Money pit Beretta »

Whoa you wouldn't be hard to pick out in the crowd at a Bfest.

keep'em flying!
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